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Reports for 917-498-5924

SAFE almost 7 years ago

This is NOT an unsafe number. I made the complaint with the FCC because I received harassing phone calls at this number. That's what the complaint was about. Not unsafe calls coming from this number, you idiots! I say idiots because apparently the people are the FCC don't read the complaints people make correctly so what's the point of making them?????

SAFE almost 7 years ago

I filed a complaint with the FCC for someone calling me at this number not the other way around you idiots! What good does it do to file a complaint for harassing calls if you're going to list MY number as unsafe not the harasses. What does it take in this world to get something done right?

UNSAFE almost 7 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Rego Park via FCC.

UNSAFE over 7 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Rego Park via FCC.

Owner Information for 917-498-5924




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Information for 917-498-5924

917-498-5924 Information

Location: New York, NY
Company: Omnipoint Communications
Comments Types: 0 Unsafe Comments. 2 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 2 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 04/20/2018

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Complaints for 917-498-5924

Complaints for 917-498-5924 (2 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 2 times. The most common reported issues were Unwanted Calls but 917-498-5924 has also been reported for . Reports have been made by users in 1 state (New York.) Most recently this number was reported on March 10, 2018

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for 6 months.