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SCAM rating

Reports for 917-409-7181

NEUTRAL almost 7 years ago

This caller requested to speak to business owner. I explained this is a private residence and not a business at all. Requested to be removed from their call list. This is when things got weird. The man apologized, said he would remove my number. Then he proceeded to ask my name, my marital status, if I had children and would my children mind if he called me after his shift was over because my voice was very sweet and that I sounded very attractive. He stayed he is looking for a wife, he said he is from Ghana and would like to get to know me better. He said his name was Larry. Sure enough about 4 hours later, he called from a caller ID blocked # saying his shift was over. Asked for my last name and said his last name was Parker. I asked him to repeat his name and to tell me why he seems to think this was some sort of dating line. At which point he claimed the call was breaking up and then went silent. I had the call on speakerphone so that my family could hear this ludicrous conversation. It certainly crossed the line between 3 years of harassment, having asked each time to be removed from their call list to boarder line sexual harrassment.

UNSAFE almost 7 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from San Antonio via FCC.

UNSAFE about 7 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Tampa via FCC.

Owner Information for 917-409-7181




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Information for 917-409-7181

917-409-7181 Information

Location: New York, NY
Company: Verizon New York
Comments Types: 0 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 1 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 2 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 03/14/2018

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Complaints for 917-409-7181

Complaints for 917-409-7181 (2 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 2 times. The most common reported issues were Unwanted Calls but 917-409-7181 has also been reported for . Reports have been made by users in 2 states (Florida, Texas.) Most recently this number was reported on March 14, 2018

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for about 1 month.