This number has been reported as Unsafe on 1 occasion.
Reports for 914-228-3960
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about 6 years ago
by Annoyed in Kentucky
This is a supposed legal firm working on behalf of a cash advance system including Ace Cash among others. In a poorly written email, filled with a lot of phony legalese, they claim you owe them such and such amount, and will be arrested if you don’t work with them to lower the fake amount owed. In one paragraph, they say you will be arrested with no bail, when even alleged murderers can be out on bail! In some instances they want you to call the phone number listed; in others either call or reply to the email. They want to (LOL) work with you, which is usually to either purchase a prepaid card and give them the number, or wire them the cash via Western Union. This same scam has been active for 5+ years if you research the hundreds of messsges left on the numerous consumer advocacy websites. Do NOT contact them. Spam the email address, block the number. |
Owner Information for 914-228-3960
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Information for 914-228-3960
914-228-3960 Information
Location: | Katonah, NY |
Company: | Bandwidth.com Clec |
Comments Types: | 1 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments. |
FCC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
FTC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
Latest rating: | 11/23/2018 |
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Complaints for 914-228-3960
Complaints for 914-228-3960 (0 complaints)
Other consumers have reported this number 0 times. The most common reported issues were Reports have been made by users in 0 states (.)
Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.