This number has been reported 2 times to the FCC and FTC.
The most common reported issue was Unwanted Calls.
Reports have been made by users in 1 state
Most recently this number was reported on February 15, 2018.
Marked 4 times as Unsafe.
Reports for 913-401-4745
Rating | Comment |
over 6 years ago
by dizzbuster7
They have called my business cell numerous (more than 10) times and on one occasion left a silent voice mail, definitely a SCAM - Don't Answer |
almost 7 years ago
by Jay
scam trying to harass whoever answers. my suggestions would be to ignore them. I called them back several times to harass them back and the calls escalated from there haha. so leave them alone and dont answer them. |
almost 7 years ago
by dave
Call 4-5 times a day and they harassed you constantly you tell him to quit calling and they don't don't answer this phone |
almost 7 years ago
by Sunshine
Constantly being harassed by this number! |
about 7 years ago
by Karen
Calling and then silent when phone answered. Stalking the house? |
about 7 years ago
by Disgusted with Idiotic Scammers
They are deliberately just trying to disrupt people's lives. This family has a dying member in this house and these scammers call me incessantly. They rank my phone this morning and then turned around and rang it again when I didn't answer. They need to be arrested and imprisoned, if for nothing else, then for helping a dying person die sooner. I can't turn my phone off because we have other family members who need to be able to contact us now and then. Add scam callers who I don't answer so the phone has to ring a long time, and then who immediately ring the phone a second time when we don't answer to the normal calls we have to get and it doubles the angst-inducing noise in this house. If you think all you have to do is turn on the answering machine and the problem is solved, listen to this. In my phone I have listed in the contacts 37 scam numbers who have rang this phone in the last few months. They don't just call once. The government, if at all possible, needs to put scammers at the top of the list. |
almost 7 years ago
by User
Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Hutchinson via FCC. |
over 7 years ago
by User
Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Emporia via FCC. |
Owner Information for 913-401-4745
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Information for 913-401-4745
913-401-4745 Information
Location: | Kansas City, KS |
Company: | Aerial Communications |
Comments Types: | 4 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments. |
FCC Reports: | 2 Unsafe Reports. |
FTC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
Latest rating: | 05/24/2018 |
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Complaints for 913-401-4745
Complaints for 913-401-4745 (2 complaints)
Other consumers have reported this number 2 times. The most common reported issues were Unwanted Calls but 913-401-4745 has also been reported for . Reports have been made by users in 1 state (Kansas.) Most recently this number was reported on February 15, 2018
Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for 7 months.