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Reports for 855-209-1588

UNSAFE 10 months ago

Please stop using this application immediately for security and compatibility reasons.We detected that you are using a version that was not downloaded from Play Store.

UNSAFE 10 months ago

We detected that you are using a version that was not downloaded from Play Store.Please stop using this application immediately for security and compatibility reasons.

UNSAFE 10 months ago

Please stop using this application immediately for security and compatibility reasons.

UNSAFE 10 months ago

We detected that you are using a version that was not downloaded from Play Store.

UNSAFE 10 months ago

This number is Optum which is a part of United Health Care. I've received two calls from a woman at this number, even after I asked her to take me off their list. The worst part is that they call and say they are a pharmacist with United Health Care, and then start asking you questions about your health, or telling you they think something is wrong with you that isn't and try to discuss your health and medications. She told me that she thought I was a diabetic, I'm not. She told me that I should be on statins and why wasn't I? Heads up folks, this is a total violation of HIPAA Laws and regulations. Here is a total stranger that I haven't given permission to look at my personal medical information, calling me. Her reason for calling me? She couldn't reach my doctor... I told her that she was violating my rights, to take me off of their list, and to not call me again. She shouldn't be calling my doctor either, I haven't given permission to discuss my health or medications with anyone.This was a totally illegal act, violating my privacy and rights. I haven't ever given permission for her to call my doctor or me, asking medical questions, and I never will. I called them and they tried to deny that they had called me, but I was also told that there was a call on the record from yesterday, but they couldn't tell me who called me. I think they were trying to avoid issues, but this phone number was on my phone, so it did come from them, no matter how they try to deny it. No one should ever call you and ask you personal information about your health or medications. This should be a safe number, it belongs to Optum Pharmacy/United Health Care; but it isn't. Their employees have not been trained properly on how to deal with customers. I told her I have my own doctor and pharmacist and that I never asked her to call me and to refrain from calling me in the future. We can't just stand by and let insurance companies try to pry our personal information from us. It is simply unacceptable, illegal and violates our rights. It is enough to make me want to change insurance...

UNSAFE over 1 year ago

Called to "review my medications" and promised to call back

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Unwanted Spam Call was reported by a user from Iowa via FTC. This call was reported as a robocall.

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Unwanted Spam Call was reported by a user from Iowa via FTC. This call was reported as a robocall.

Owner Information for 855-209-1588




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Information for 855-209-1588

855-209-1588 Information

Location: North America
Company: Unknown
Comments Types: 6 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 2 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 04/09/2024

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Complaints for 855-209-1588

Complaints for 855-209-1588 (2 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 2 times. The most common reported issues were No Subject Provided but 855-209-1588 has also been reported for . Reports have been made by users in 1 state (Iowa.) Most recently this number was reported on October 07, 2021

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for 1 day.