Area Code: 775
775 Area Code belongs to the state of Nevada. The following cities fall under this area code: Carson City, Pahrump, Reno, Sparks. There have been a total of 16570 Numbers for this area code.
Numbers for 775
Number | Comments |
775-854-6922 | 0 |
775-854-7001 | 0 |
775-243-8091 | 0 |
775-243-8092 | 0 |
775-855-4267 | 0 |
775-855-4704 | 0 |
775-243-8109 | 0 |
775-243-8136 | 0 |
775-243-8157 | 0 |
775-243-8173 | 0 |
775-855-7468 | 0 |
775-855-7487 | 0 |
775-243-8186 | 0 |
775-855-8576 | 0 |
775-243-8326 | 0 |
775-855-9074 | 0 |
775-243-8338 | 0 |
775-243-8342 | 0 |
775-856-1277 | 0 |
775-856-1611 | 0 |
775-243-8360 | 0 |
775-856-2929 | 0 |
775-243-8420 | 0 |
775-856-6876 | 0 |
775-243-8483 | 0 |
775-856-7388 | 0 |
775-856-9211 | 0 |
775-857-3151 | 0 |
775-243-8537 | 0 |
775-857-3231 | 0 |