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SCAM rating

Reports for 650-239-0199

SAFE over 1 year ago


UNSAFE almost 2 years ago

this is not a safe number

SAFE almost 2 years ago

Hack AI

UNSAFE almost 2 years ago

can you imagine how productive I could be a dystopian you must work at home blue state self-back-patting company, if I was not harassed by these calls repeatedly all workday long?? How about someone write a screenplay about citizens getting together to revenge computer harassers? Maybe everyone taking pick-axes to AI computer rows at a spam center? Wouldn't that be a great movie? I'd pay the 15 dollars, I tell you what.

UNSAFE almost 2 years ago

UnSAFEE!!!!!! call law enforcement! Mommy!!!

UNSAFE almost 2 years ago

serial abusive scam/spam/phishing/spoofing/vishing piece of sht criminal caller, probably AI-, to my do not call registered number. you see, they believe they are above the law, since the US government never does anything about them. probably takes their bribes, as I learned, there are 90% more pro-telephone spam lobbiests than there are those who oppose. My ID box said: "SPAM? Millbrae" but when I picked up, they hang up. THEN, when I call back, only seconds after they called me from this same number, a female robo-voice says, "the # you have dialed is not valid." That's funny, huh? since Calldetective says it is from a Landline by Pac-West Telecomm. in Millbrae, CA. You see, he is a child-molester, wearing orange jumpsuits and an ankle bracelet. how to make money without the police bothering him? scam/spamming--they never do anything about that, do they?

Owner Information for 650-239-0199




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Information for 650-239-0199

650-239-0199 Information

Location: Millbrae, CA
Company: Pac - West Telecomm
Comments Types: 4 Unsafe Comments. 2 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 06/28/2023

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Complaints for 650-239-0199 (0 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 0 times. The most common reported issues were Reports have been made by users in 0 states (.)

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.