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Reports for 559-990-9284

NEUTRAL almost 3 years ago

I have had 3 calls from this number they say they are Energy efficient upgrade y our home they will offer great deals on roofing/painting/gates/fencing/electrical etc. Fresno based. The first time they called and said because I was over 75 I had to have someone else with me for the appt...I said age discrimination. Yesterdays call said age was not a problem so appt. set for 10 today and no one showed up so I called and was answered by person who did not answer with the co.name . I asked if it was the company and she said yes and that she would talk to her supervisor and call me right back but no return call. sI called again but, call was shut off. Perhaps blocked ?

NEUTRAL almost 3 years ago

I have had 3 calls from this number they say they are Energy efficient upgrade y our home they will offer great deals on roofing/painting/gates/fencing/electrical etc. Fresno based. The first time they called and said because I was over 75 I had to have someone else with me for the appt...I said age discrimination. Yesterdays call said age was not a problem so appt. set for 10 today and no one showed up so I called and was answered by person who did not answer with the co.name . I asked if it was the company and she said yes and that she would talk to her supervisor and call me right back but no return call. sI called again but, call was shut off. Perhaps blocked ?

NEUTRAL almost 3 years ago

I have had 3 calls from this number they say they are Energy efficient upgrade y our home they will offer great deals on roofing/painting/gates/fencing/electrical etc. Fresno based. The first time they called and said because I was over 75 I had to have someone else with me for the appt...I said age discrimination. Yesterdays call said age was not a problem so appt. set for 10 today and no one showed up so I called and was answered by person who did not answer with the co.name . I asked if it was the company and she said yes and that she would talk to her supervisor and call me right back but no return call. sI called again but, call was shut off. Perhaps blocked ?

UNSAFE almost 3 years ago

Unwanted Spam Call was reported by a user from California via FTC. This call was reported as a robocall.

UNSAFE almost 3 years ago

Energy, solar, & utilities was reported by a user from Tulare via FTC.

UNSAFE about 3 years ago

Unwanted Spam Call was reported by a user from California via FTC.

Owner Information for 559-990-9284




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Information for 559-990-9284

559-990-9284 Information

Location: North America
Company: Unknown
Comments Types: 0 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 3 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 3 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 03/30/2022

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Complaints for 559-990-9284

Complaints for 559-990-9284 (3 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 3 times. The most common reported issues were No Subject Provided but 559-990-9284 has also been reported for Energy, solar, & utilities. Reports have been made by users in 1 state (California.) Most recently this number was reported on March 07, 2022

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for 13 days.