This number has been reported as Unsafe on 1 occasion.
Reports for 530-292-7284
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about 7 years ago
by Renne
September 28, 2017: In the evening, I'd received an unexpected text message from this number (+1 530-292-7284) asking, "Like my big girls butt?" That is followed by a white panty shot with the person apparently trying too hard to be like a girl (as seen from his posture). It looks more like a guy's butt than a lady's one. He sure has a horrible taste in panties. I suspect this to be from my ex-guy-friend (AJ) since I don't know anybody else in Grass Valley, CA. Plus, he has my cellphone number stored under his contacts list. Since he is the type to be stupid and low enough to stoop to this level despite having a girlfriend, that's expected of him being immature/childish and a sexual deviant with his sick fantasies. He is infamous for his weird sexual fetish of wearing women's underwear. This is considered sexual harassment when unwelcomed by the recipient...not that I'm fazed by this since it's hilarious to me. LOL...What a laughable troll. Knowing him, he likely won't keep the number for long to avoid detection/getting traced. So, he's bound to change it easily. |
Owner Information for 530-292-7284
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Information for 530-292-7284
530-292-7284 Information
Location: | N San Juan, CA |
Company: | Pacific Bell |
Comments Types: | 1 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments. |
FCC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
FTC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
Latest rating: | 12/18/2017 |
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Complaints for 530-292-7284 (0 complaints)
Other consumers have reported this number 0 times. The most common reported issues were Reports have been made by users in 0 states (.)
Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.