This number has never been reported negatively before. If you have reasons to believe the caller may be spoofing the number, please report and follow the instructions to block it from your phone. This number has been reported as Unsafe on 0 occasions.
Reports for 512-643-2369
Rating | Comment |
over 1 year ago
by Geraldine L. Jackson, 96
Geraldine L. Jackson is 96 years old and currently lives in Portland, TX.209 Po Box Portland, TX 78374-0209 |
over 1 year ago
by Molly A. Richey, 67
Molly A. Richey is 67 years old and currently lives in Taft, TX.9521 County Road 2226 Taft, TX 78390-8096 You're desiring holy relaxation and connection. To be seen as the divine being that you are and surrender to a powerful loving goddess. You search the jungle for your empress covered in dirt and sweat. Suddenly, bird and animal sounds go silent. The air becomes heavy. A warm light appears, calling to you. A stir in your pants lurches you towards the light, taking you over completely. Through the brambles you enter a garden to see the source of this seductive light - the den of Persephone. A fierce orange dragon watches you pass. Prayer flags wave to you from the eaves. The door opens, and youre beckoned inside. Before you stands a great creator. You fall to your knees, offerings fit for a queen pouring out of you. Youre ready to die at her feet. You are measured and deemed worthy to enter a colorful, artistic sanctuary. Incense and sage envelop you. Cosmic sounds lead you to your safe haven in the underworld. Through slow surrender, you peel back the layers keeping you from the real you. Shared exploration of mysterious and enticing depths crafted just for you - your desires met with tender passion. This is your becoming, your returning, your remembering. You arise a new being, reborn and ready to walk your true path. A strong knowing fills your body, a felt sense - you are a gift to this world. From a distance or in person your muse is available to guide you home. |
Owner Information for 512-643-2369
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Information for 512-643-2369
512-643-2369 Information
Location: | |
Company: | Bandwidth.com Clec |
Comments Types: | 0 Unsafe Comments. 2 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments. |
FCC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
FTC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
Latest rating: | 08/29/2023 |
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Complaints for 512-643-2369 (0 complaints)
Other consumers have reported this number 0 times. The most common reported issues were Reports have been made by users in 0 states (.)
Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.