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SCAM rating

Reports for 510-747-4560

NEUTRAL over 3 years ago


UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Many different scam calls from this phone number on your system please erase it delete it and permanently cross it off from harassing everybody every single day I accidentally marked it as neutral this is definitely a dangerous unsafe number where it harasses people multiple callers landline cell phones all day long just Google search it it's nothing but a scam call that rings your phone all day long for the past three years it has been doing this to my phone and a whole bunch of other people's phones in the United States just Google search this number there has been many scam reports on this phone number and I don't see or understand why this phone number is still able to exist or still be able to make scam calls to people everyday all day long it's been reported many many times please get this phone number from all of the telephone system

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Please get rid of the comments for accidentally marked it as neutral this is this is definitely an unsafe dangerous phone number I tried to market unsafe and dangerous every single time but the website automatically switched it to neutral nothing neutral about this phone number it's a dangerous unsafe phone number constantly harassing various different phone numbers every single day call in and calling calling calling and calling calling harassing multiple phone numbers all day long for the past three years this phone number has been arrested me calling and calling and calling and calling I'm sick of this phone number calling my phone all day long I'm sick of it calling other people's phone all day long just do the Google research this is a scamming number constantly ringing people's phone all day long we're sick of it please get rid of it from your system and please flag my messages where I marked it as neutral that was definitely a mistake the website kept switching it to neutral when I would market unsafe

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

I did not mean to mark my last few comments and messages as safe or neutral this is definitely an unsafe dangerous phone number who is scamming and spamming different multiple phone numbers all day long for the past 3 years heavy research on Google shows that this phone number is constantly ringing people's phones all day long scamming them I made a mistake by pressing neutral and unsafe in my last three messages those actually need to be deleted every time I pressed unsafe on this website it automatically still switched it to neutral that was definitely mistake please take this phone number off of the telephone system I'm calling anybody I'm sick of it

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

I really did not mean to mark this phone number as neutral something is wrong but the button on this website it's definitely an unsafe dangerous phone number the other two messages I actually the other two messages I accidentally marked down neutral this is a dangerous unsafe number and it should not be able to scan people all day like it's been doing to me for the past 3 years I've also researched this phone number heavily they continue to harass multiple people to the United States spamming scamming and frauding people all day long I'm sick of this phone number calling my

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

I'm absolutely tired of this phone number harass me all day long this is definitely a scam call please get ready to be I'm tired of them harassing my phone number every single day please have them stop scamming my phone number every single day I'm sick and tired of it they are harassing many different phone numbers all day long please get rid of this phone number from your phone system

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Please get rid of this phone number from calling and harassing various different phone numbers every single day I Google search this phone number there has been multiple scam calls and spam calls and fraud calls from this phone number all they do is bring people's phones all day and harass people it is a scam call please get rid of it I'm sick and tired of seeing this phone number it is a scam this is a very unsafe dangerous number that continues to harass bring people's phones all day long all throughout the United States it should not be able to be registered phone number in the United States anymore all it does is call harass and spam people all day long sick of the skin balls

NEUTRAL over 3 years ago

Please get rid of this phone number from calling and harassing various different phone numbers every single day I Google search this phone number there has been multiple scam calls and spam calls and fraud calls from this phone number all they do is bring people's phones all day and harass people it is a scam call please get rid of it I'm sick and tired of seeing this phone number it is a scam this is a very unsafe dangerous number that continues to harass bring people's phones all day long all throughout the United States it should not be able to be registered phone number in the United States anymore all it does is call harass and spam people all day long sick of the skin balls

NEUTRAL over 3 years ago

Please get rid of this phone number from harassing in multiple users on their telephone lines every single day in the United States I am tired of them scamming me spamming me and calling my phone all day long every single day for the past 3 years I researched this phone number heavily and there's been multiple several reports throughout the years of this phone number harassing many different phone lines in the United States every single day this phone number should not be existing with all the scan reports that it has had please shut it down we are tired of being harassed and so is all the other people in the United States it should not be able to exist in the United States from calling anybody anymore it's just a stupid scam call constantly bringing people's phone all day long get rid of it from the phone telephone system please

UNSAFE about 3 years ago

Unwanted Spam Call was reported by a user from California via FTC.

UNSAFE about 3 years ago

Dropped call or no message was reported by a user from California via FTC.

UNSAFE about 3 years ago

Dropped call or no message was reported by a user from California via FTC.

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Dropped call or no message was reported by a user from California via FTC.

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Dropped call or no message was reported by a user from California via FTC. This call was reported as a robocall.

UNSAFE over 3 years ago

Dropped call or no message was reported by a user from California via FTC. This call was reported as a robocall.

Owner Information for 510-747-4560




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Information for 510-747-4560

510-747-4560 Information

Location: Alameda, CA
Company: Pacific Bell
Comments Types: 6 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 3 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 6 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 02/04/2022

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Complaints for 510-747-4560

Complaints for 510-747-4560 (6 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 6 times. The most common reported issues were Dropped call or no message but 510-747-4560 has also been reported for Other. Reports have been made by users in 1 state (California.) Most recently this number was reported on February 04, 2022

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for 8 months.