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Reports for 480-937-2094

UNSAFE about 5 years ago

Exactly as what is stated above straight to voice same recording.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

The call did not ring through, even though this number had not been in my block list (it is now). I believe the caller dialed in a way to go directly to my voicemail to avoid human interaction; I also believe that the call was a recording rather than a human. Left voicemail 1min 12sec long. Starts with 4sec silence, then gives absolutely no identification of himself or his business until the website reference. The script is supposed to make it sound like we've talked before (no we haven't), but it's been a while. Yada yada... ...last time we connected (ahh, never), knows I was interested in making some serious income online (no I'm not). Wanted to share, this is currently making him over $100k per month... if you've been on our website recently (note, STILL no identification who or what company this is).... eventually lists the website (not about to visit this url - EVER): www.fast7k.com repeats it. It's a "done-for-me" kind of business (then how am I supposed to believe that I'm going to earn ANYTHING?) repeats the website again, repeats it yet again, this time spelling it out character by character, Aaaaaaaand he repeats it one more time. Voicemail is over, only the website for ID, no company or personal name ever given.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Woodbury via FCC.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Work from home & other ways to make money was reported by a user from Prescott Valley via FTC. This call was reported as a robocall.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Calls pretending to be government, businesses, or family and friends was reported by a user from Palo Alto via FTC. This call was reported as a robocall.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Sherman via FCC.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Work from home & other ways to make money was reported by a user from Everett via FTC. This call was reported as a robocall.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Calls pretending to be government, businesses, or family and friends was reported by a user from Georgetown via FTC.

UNSAFE over 5 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Baltimore via FCC.

Owner Information for 480-937-2094




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Information for 480-937-2094

480-937-2094 Information

Location: North America
Company: Unknown
Comments Types: 2 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 3 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 4 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 12/02/2019

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Complaints for 480-937-2094

Complaints for 480-937-2094 (7 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 7 times. The most common reported issues were Unwanted Calls but 480-937-2094 has also been reported for Calls pretending to be government, businesses, or family and friends and Work from home & other ways to make money. Reports have been made by users in 7 states (Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona.) Most recently this number was reported on November 21, 2019

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for about 2 months.