This number has been reported as Unsafe on 2 occasions.
Reports for 407-223-8071
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over 7 years ago
by John
And they called me again! I picked it up, said hello, then there was a pause, then the same, illegal, automated robo-call came on: "Hi, this is Jessica. This is your last chance to enroll in our debt forgiveness program. " Then the recording stopped, then silence, then it hung up. I previously blocked the number through Sprint, but they still got through! They previously called on: 1:45 PM 10/6/2017 2:17 PM 10/6/2017 3:35 PM 10/6/2017 They called my cell phone, which is on the FTC and State of FL Do Not Call List. |
over 7 years ago
by John
This is the third time they called me today, so I'm reporting it again! I picked it up and before I could say anything, the automated, illegal robo-call started: "Hi, this is Jessica. This is your last chance to enroll in our debt forgiveness program. Press 1 to continue or 8 if you're not interested." I didn't press anything and the phone hung up. This is the third time they called me today: 1:45 PM (though I didn't answer it), 2:17 PM, and 3:35 PM. After the third call, I sent a text to Sprint to block it and mark it as spam. They called my cell phone, which is on the FTC and State of FL Do Not Call List. |
over 7 years ago
by John
They called at 2:17 PM and this was an automated, illegal robo-call saying: "Hi, this is Jessica. This is your last chance to enroll in our debt forgiveness program. Press 1 to continue or 8 if you're not interested." I pressed 8 and the phone hung up. I don't have any debt to forgive, but even if I did, I wouldn't give my information to some random stranger who calls me in the middle of the day. They called around 1:45 PM also, but hung up before I could pick it up. They called my cell phone, which is on the FTC and State of FL Do Not Call List. |
Owner Information for 407-223-8071
OwnerAddressFamily |
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Information for 407-223-8071
407-223-8071 Information
Location: | Orlando, FL |
Company: | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
Comments Types: | 2 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments. |
FCC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
FTC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
Latest rating: | 10/09/2017 |
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Other consumers have reported this number 0 times. The most common reported issues were Reports have been made by users in 0 states (.)
Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.