This number has been reported as Unsafe on 2 occasions.
Reports for 405-834-3472
Rating | Comment |
about 4 years ago
by Donna Kimbro
Oklahoma City, OK has several people and businesses using this number. The message was as follows: Success Donna we have funded your player account with $4000.00$$$NO. This is not a loan. WE GAVE you the money. joOf.com/Qjg&7 just click that and follow the instruction. This message has b een sent as a part of a discussion between Slotocash and Donna RAW, Bradenton. Should you receive this message by mistake, we would be most grateful if you informed us that the message has been sent to your phone, and do not forward it or any part of it to anyone else. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. I blocked the number and archived the message so I could make the complaint. coming out of Oklahoma City, OK. I do not open unknown .com addresses or respond to unknown phone numbers. |
about 4 years ago
by Donna Kimbro
Oklahoma City, OK has several people and businesses using this number. The message was as follows: Success Donna we have funded your player account with $4000.00$$$NO. This is not a loan. WE GAVE you the money. joOf.com/Qjg&7 just click that and follow the instruction. This message has b een sent as a part of a discussion between Slotocash and Donna RAW, Bradenton. Should you receive this message by mistake, we would be most grateful if you informed up that the message has been sent to your phone, and do not forward it or any part of it to anyone else. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. I blocked the number and archived the message so I could make the complaint. coming out of Oklahoma City, OK |
Owner Information for 405-834-3472
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Information for 405-834-3472
405-834-3472 Information
Location: | Oklahoma City, OK |
Company: | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
Comments Types: | 2 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments. |
FCC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
FTC Reports: | 0 Unsafe Reports. |
Latest rating: | 02/20/2021 |
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Complaints for 405-834-3472
Complaints for 405-834-3472 (0 complaints)
Other consumers have reported this number 0 times. The most common reported issues were Reports have been made by users in 0 states (.)
Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies.