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SCAM rating

Reports for 209-245-7422

UNSAFE about 6 years ago

Junk debt buyers "Source One Financial." They use TrapCall so if you call them using *67, they know you are trying to block your caller ID info, and they see your number anyway. Using similar voicemail-based exploits they know if you have listened to their voicemails or not. If these people own a debt of yours, it is too old for them to sue you or otherwise force you to pay, so they try to annoy you or threaten so you pay. DO NOT PAY THEM ANYTHING as you then open yourself to litigation. They commonly try to trick you into thinking they are in the process of suing you, which is a lie. Do not believe them, and very importantly, do not pay them anything!

NEUTRAL about 6 years ago

Junk debt buyers "Source One Financial." They use TrapCall so if you call them using *67, they know you are trying to block your caller ID info, and they see your number anyway. Using similar voicemail-based exploits they know if you have listened to their voicemails or not. If these people own a debt of yours, it is too old for them to sue you or otherwise force you to pay, so they try to annoy you or threaten so you pay. DO NOT PAY THEM ANYTHING as you then open yourself to litigation. They commonly try to trick you into thinking they are in the process of suing you, which is a lie. Do not believe them, and very importantly, do not pay them anything!

UNSAFE about 6 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Bellingham via FCC.

UNSAFE about 6 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Costa Mesa via FCC.

UNSAFE about 6 years ago

Unwanted Calls was reported by a user from Maiden via FCC.

Owner Information for 209-245-7422




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Information for 209-245-7422

209-245-7422 Information

Location: Plymouth, CA
Company: Pacific Bell
Comments Types: 1 Unsafe Comments. 0 Safe Comments. 0 Neutral Comments.
FCC Reports: 3 Unsafe Reports.
FTC Reports: 0 Unsafe Reports.
Latest rating: 11/29/2018

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Complaints for 209-245-7422

Complaints for 209-245-7422 (3 complaints)

Other consumers have reported this number 3 times. The most common reported issues were Unwanted Calls but 209-245-7422 has also been reported for . Reports have been made by users in 3 states (California, North Carolina, Washington.) Most recently this number was reported on November 29, 2018

Warning! Several people have complained about this number. It has been reported to the FCC, FTC and several other US scam agencies. This number has been on the blacklist for 13 days.